Saturday, January 26, 2013

Movies 2 See

There are so many movies out in theaters right now that could possibly be worth spending the time and money to see it.  Zero Dark Thirty is absolutely worth seeing, a movie about the hunt for Osama Bin Laden.  Movie 43 seems like it could actually be funny, unlike A Haunted House. 

But these seem to be the top 2 for me:

Nothing compares to the classic horror films like psycho and nightmare on Elm Street but the movie Mama that is in theaters now seems like it will be just as terrifying as the classics.  This movie takes a different approach than all of the other horror movies that are being made today.  It has an interesting story line and plot that is unlike any other horror movie, which is nice since most of the horror films coming out now are remakes.  Check out the synopsis for the movie here:


I tend to be a fan of older movies rather than what is being produced now a days but Silver Linings Playbook seems like a must see movie.  It is another movie that has a somewhat out of the ordinary story line that can actually hold the audience’s attention.  Both Bradley Cooper and Jennifer Lawrence are amazing actors and to top it off this movie has some De Niro.  Check out the trailer:


Thursday, January 17, 2013


Hi my name is Sara Colaianne and this is my blog for the English 420 class for the 2013 spring semester.  This blog is going to be about new movies that are in theaters as well as the classics.  It basically will be a blog for discussion on movie and film related topics.